Your SW Calgary Choice for TMJ/TMD Therapy!

Bruxism Treatment Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Monarch Landing Dental understands that Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) can have significant negative effects on your life. That is why we are dedicated to providing those who suffer from TMD with effective and safe treatment options to help ease discomfort. If you are suffering from chronic neck pain or headaches, have trouble opening or closing your mouth when eating or speaking, notice that your jaw pops or clicks, or have been experiencing radiating pain in your jaw, it is possible that you might be suffering from TMJ pain, or TMD. The dedicated Monarch Landing Dental team is here to help relieve your TMD symptoms and help you attain better overall health and wellness with the use of TMJ/TMD Therapy.

Bruxism Treatment Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

What is TMJ?

TMD/TMJ Therapy Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, is the joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull on both sides of your head, allowing you to open and close your mouth, as well as move your jaw from side to side. For a majority of people the TMJ works well and does not cause any problems. For others however, problems arise that can cause extreme pain and negatively affect your overall health.

TMD/TMJ Therapy Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

What is TMD?

TMD/TMJ Bruxism | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

TMD, or Temporomandibular Disorders, are problems associated with the movement of your jaw and pain in and around your jaw. When your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) becomes stressed and overworked, you may start to experience issues which can in turn lead to TMD. One of the most common forms of TMD is bruxism, which presents as gnashing, clenching or grinding of your teeth and jaw.

TMD/TMJ Bruxism | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

What are Symptoms of TMD?

Bruxism Treatment Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

If you experience some of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from a temporomandibular disorder:

  • Difficulty opening or closing your mouth, or your jaw may lock preventing any motion at all
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic migraines or headaches
  • Tired or tight jaw muscles
  • Sleep disruption
  • Popping or grating sounds in your jaw joints
  • Damage from chewing or biting the inside of your cheek
  • Discomfort in your head, jaw, neck, face, back, or shoulders
  • Ear pain, hearing difficulties, or ringing in your ears
  • Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth that may be loud enough to wake your sleeping partner
  • Teeth that are fractured, chipped, loose, or flattened
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Increased tooth sensitivity or tooth pain
Bruxism Treatment Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB


TMD TMJ Bruxism Treatments | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Bruxism is a common form of TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder) which involves the grinding, clenching or gnashing of your teeth. It may be done unconsciously while you are awake or while you are asleep. While mild bruxism often does not require treatment, those experiencing severe and frequent bruxism may experience significant jaw pain, discomfort, headaches, damaged teeth, loose teeth and other serious health concerns. In such cases, assistance from medical and dental professionals is recommended.

TMD TMJ Bruxism Treatments | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Treatment for TMD

Bruxism Treatments Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Fortunately, mild Bruxism or TMD often requires no treatment at all. If you are experiencing severe and frequent enough symptoms however, you may require treatment from a professional. Monarch Landing Dental is pleased to offer TMJ/TMD therapy to help relieve your symptoms and improve your overall health and wellness.

There are multiple symptoms associated with TMD, which is why it can be difficult to determine the right treatment for those suffering from symptoms. To find the best treatment for your specific case, you may need to consult with multiple health care professionals, which can include physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists and other health professionals. With the proper diagnosis, the Monarch Landing Dental team may be able to help identify the main cause of your TMD and work with you to determine a custom treatment plan best suited for your individual needs. Our ultimate goal is to help relieve your discomfort and pain, as well as address any damage associated with your TMD.

The Monarch Landing Dental team is here to provide long-term solutions for TMJ/TMD. Treatments can include bite rehabilitation, as well as orthodontic treatments. We are pleased to offer plastic custom-made TMJ appliances that help support your muscles, jaw joints and teeth in a position that helps ease the discomfort associated with TMJ pain. These custom-made appliances are plastic dental mouthguards that are worn over your teeth at night to help realign your jaw, thereby easing the pain associated with any misalignment. Bruxism appliances, or “night guards,” also help to protect your teeth and enamel from the premature physical wear and tear that results from teeth gnashing and grinding. Rather than wearing down your enamel, you bite directly against the appliance and wear the appliance down instead, preventing permanent damage to your teeth. A bruxism grinding appliance treats bruxism before there is severe and permanent damage to the teeth, while also decreasing the symptoms of headaches and pain in your face, neck, cranial, arm, shoulder and back regions by shutting off the muscle activity and allowing the overworked muscles to relax. Monarch Landing Dental is here to provide TMJ/TMD therapy solutions to help relieve the pain associated with TMD and get you back to feeling your best.

Bruxism Treatments Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Monarch Landing Dental is here to offer you TMJ/TMD Therapy solutions to help relieve your symptoms and improve your overall health. If you are experiencing frequent jaw pain or headaches coupled with any other symptoms of TMD, or if you have any questions about TMJ/TMD Therapy, please call our dedicated Monarch Landing Dental team at
(403) 300-1200 and we will be happy to help!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call Monarch Landing Dental at (403) 300-1200 to set up your TMJ/TMD appointment today!