If you require root canal therapy, Monarch Landing Dental is here to help! It is an effective dental procedure that can save your natural teeth from extraction and prevent the need for further intervention in the future. Our professional team offers root canal therapy, so you can achieve the optimal oral health and wellness you deserve!
It is often needed when the nerve of your tooth is affected by severe decay or infection, which should then be removed. The most common reasons a tooth becomes compromised and in need of root canal therapy, is due to a crack or fracture, deep cavities or an injury to the tooth. In order to save your tooth from requiring an extraction, the pulp (tissue inside the tooth), nerves, bacteria and any infection or decay are carefully removed by your dentist and the resulting space is filled with special medicated dental materials. This restores the tooth to its full function and saves your tooth from needing to be extracted.
It is often the treatment of choice to save a tooth that otherwise would require extraction. While many patients believe that removing a problematic tooth is the only solution, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is possible to save the tooth. Extracting or “pulling” a tooth can sometimes be more expensive in the long run, as well as cause significant problems for adjacent teeth. It is a highly effective treatment option and can last a lifetime. On occasion however, a tooth may have to be re-treated due to new infections.
If you are experiencing any tooth pain and think you might benefit from root canal therapy, or you have any questions or concerns about the process, please contact Monarch Landing Dental at (403) 300-1200 and we will be happy to assist you!
Call Monarch Landing Dental at (403) 300-1200 to set up your Root Canal Therapy appointment today!
Our compassionate professional staff is committed to working closely with you to develop personalized oral health treatment plans to meet all of your dental needs, while creating positive dental experiences for you and your entire family
Our New Patient comprehensive package includes comprehensive exam, full series of x-rays, 1-hour hygiene appointment, intra-oral scan and complimentary toothbrush
We are proud to offer convenient and free parking for our patients.
Our family-focused practice is dedicated to your dental health and wellness needs and goals, while making sure that you are always as comfortable as possible throughout your dental visit.
At Monarch Landing Dental, you can trust that our team will provide you with the dental care you need to keep your smile healthy and cavity-free. Monarch Landing Dental’s team is here to proudly help you build your dental confidence so we can see you smile now, and for a lifetime!
Our team is able to assist you in English, Vietnamese, Arabic and Hindi.
For your convenience, Monarch Landing Dental sends out reminders to ensure you are on time and available for your upcoming appointments.
Eligible post-secondary students received discounts on dental services. Please visit www.studentcare.ca or www.mystudentplan.ca for more information