Your SW Calgary Choice for Tooth Extractions!

Calgary Tooth Extraction Service | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

At Monarch Landing Dental, our primary goal is to preserve your natural teeth and ensure they are as healthy as possible for as long as possible! Unfortunately, however, there are some situations where a tooth extraction is required. When a tooth extraction has been recommended by your dentist, the Monarch Landing Dental team is pleased to offer safe and effective tooth extractions, while always ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure.

Calgary Tooth Extraction Service | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Reasons a Tooth Extraction May Be Necessary

Tooth Extractions Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

If you have a tooth that has fractured, been badly injured or extensively damaged, it may simply be impossible to save. You may have advanced periodontal disease which causes severe bone loss hence affecting the foundation and stability of the teeth, severe tooth decay that cannot be repaired, or a tooth that is positioned poorly in your mouth and should be removed in order to prepare you for other dental procedures, such as dentures, a dental bridge, dental implants and/or orthodontics.

Tooth Extractions Calgary | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

What is the Tooth Extraction Process?

Tooth Extraction Service | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

Your Monarch Landing Dental team will first take radiographs in order to assess the position of the tooth roots and the condition of the surrounding bone. We will also conduct a thorough drug and medical history to make sure that you are healthy enough to undergo the extraction procedure. If it is determined that a tooth extraction is the most appropriate option, your dentist will typically carry out the procedure with local anesthesia. Other sedatives can also be administered when necessary. Once you are comfortable and frozen, your dentist will delicately remove the affected tooth while being careful not to damage the bone that surrounds it. Regardless of the anesthesia or sedatives used, Monarch Landing Dental is committed to ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the entire procedure.

If you require tooth extraction, Monarch Landing Dental offers several tooth replacement options. Removable options such as dentures and fixed options including dental bridges and dental implants, that can restore your smile with a natural look and feel. Regardless of the reason for a tooth extraction, Monarch Landing Dental is here for you every step of the way!

Tooth Extraction Service | Monarch Landing Dental | Calgary, AB

If you require a tooth extraction, or if you have any questions at all about tooth extractions or the tooth extraction process, please do not hesitate to contact us at (403) 300-1200 and we will be happy to help!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call Monarch Landing Dental at (403) 300-1200 to set up your Tooth Extractions appointment today!